Dermatologist, all Latvia

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Consilium Medicum, LTD

Rūpniecības 7-1, Rīga LV-1010
, dermatologist for children, dermatologist , dermatologist in Riga, dermatology, good dermatologist ,, good dermatologist in Riga, dermatologists, in the center, infertility treatment, operations, outpatient
  • 1 Medical aid: out-patient

Vijas Dangas ārsta prakse dermatoveneroloģijā, LTD

Lāčplēša 38 - 301, Rīga, LV-1011

Doctor of skin and sexually transmitted diseases, diagnosis and treatment of STDs, examination, consultations. Certified dermovenorologist, with long experience in the specialty, provides a wide range of STATE-paid services for children and adults. She is an experienced specialist in the diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. The doctor also performs skin biopsies in difficult cases.

Ādas veselības klīnika, LTD

Tallinas 1-27, Rīga LV-1001
Laila Atsligiņa, certified dermatovenerologist, adult and pediatric skin doctor.:

She graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Latvia, with a residency in dermatovenerology. Member of the Latvian Association of Dermatovenerologists and the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology. Training and certification in the application of various laser technologies in dermatology, botulinum toxin, mesotherapy. He regularly attends international congresses, courses and seminars to improve his knowledge.

Zalamanes, Skrodeles, Bīgestānes klīnika, LTD

Brīvības 84-6,, Rīga LV-1001

"KZS Klīnika" founded in 2007. as a private consultative gynecological assistance institution. Our best specialists - gynecologists, neurologists, radiologists, therapists and dermatologists have rich work experience gained while working at the P.Stradiņa Clinical University Hospital, as well as in other public and private sector medical institutions, combined with the advanced diagnostic methods available in our clinic guarantee high qualified, professional women's health care. The clinic currently offers a wide range of services for women's health - gynecological examinations, infertility treatment, ultrasonography for pregnant women, dermatovenerologist consultation and other medical examinations, as well as motherhood school classes for future and current parents.

Rīgas veselības centrs, LTD

Spulgas 24, Rīga LV-1058
X-ray Description: We offer the widest range of diagnostic, therapeutic, rehabilitation and health promotion services both within the quotas provided by the state and for a fee in 6 branches - in Ziepniekkaln, Imanta, Iļguciem, Torņakaln, Ķengarag and Bolderāj. Several of our branches have a long tradition of providing multiprofessional physical and rehabilitation medicine services. Rehabilitation specialists offer complex rehabilitation programs for children and adults. If you are insured by one of the health insurance companies, you will receive a paid service at our branches. You must take it with you when you visit the doctor: insurance policy, identity document and referral from a specialist. Our cooperation partners: If P&C Insurance, AAS Baltikums, Ergo Life Insurance, Baltic Insurance House, Compensa Life Vienna Insurance Group, Seesam.

Dr. Mauriņa klīnika

Jaunā Mežaparka 4, Rīga, LV-1014

Dr. Mauriņš clinic is one of the most modern laser medicine and vein treatment clinics in Europe. Every year we are visited by thousands of patients for whom we have successfully treated varicose veins, trophic ulcers and other venous diseases with modern, safe and proven methods. Vein center offers leg vein sclerotherapy, laser surgery, lymphatic drainage, compression stockings and other services. Dr. The services and technologies provided by Mauriņa' clinic are equivalent to those offered by the world's leading clinics, while the prices are affordable for everyone. Treatment in the vein center is performed only by highly qualified specialists - phlebologists or vascular surgeons.

Zeltina V. neurologist, practice of a dermatologist

Rīgas 7-2, Valmiera, Valmieras nov., LV-4201
Description: Practice of a neurologist, dermatologist in Valmiera. Reg. of medical institutions. nr. 2500-00063. The accessibility of the environment for patients with functional movement disorders is not ensured.
ZL.LV iesaka

Anželika Bule-Kairiša ārsta dermatologa-venerologa prakse, LTD

Ģimnāzijas 24 - 5, Daugavpils, LV-5401
Dermatologist , venerologist, dermatovenereologist in center, Dermatology, Skin and sexually transmitted
ZL.LV iesaka

ARS Veselības centrs

Blaumaņa 11/13, Rīga, LV-1011
Apraksts: Clinic "Medicīnas centrs ARS" founded in 1988. and is one of the largest and most valued medical clinics in Latvia, which brings together the country's leading medical specialists and uses the latest technologies, innovations and the most current scientific discoveries both in the center of Riga and in its branches.
ZL.LV iesaka

Medicīnas centrs, ARS

Skolas 5, Rīga, LV-1010
Description: Clinic "Medicīnas centrs ARS" founded in 1988. and is one of the largest and most valued medical clinics in Latvia, which brings together the country's leading medical specialists and uses the latest technologies, innovations and the most current scientific discoveries both in the center of Riga and in its branches.
ZL.LV iesaka

Saules Veselības centrs, LTD

Brīvības 68, Rīga, LV-1011

Private outpatient facility "Saules veselības centrs" established in 2011. year. For us from the very first "Saules veselības centrs" it is very important to offer medical services, combining high quality standards in medicine with personal, sensitive and careful patient care. We are located in the center of Riga in the UNESCO World Heritage Zone, in the territory of an urban monument, in an Art Nouveau house, which preserves the interior of that time and is easily accessible to patients of the city, as well as patients entering the city by public transport. We provide paid medical services paid by the patient, the employer or insurance companies with which contracts have been concluded. Accessibility for persons with disabilities. Doctors provide remote consultation. Our mission is a healthy, happy, cooperative patient. Our values - professionalism, health, responsibility, development.

Alma, family doctor A. Lasman's clinic

Krišjāņa Valdemāra 20-4,, Rīga LV-1010

Clinic Alma - a private practice of a family doctor, started its operation in 1991., its founder is Dr. Andris Lasmanis( the first family doctor in Latvia, long-term head of the Latvian Association of Family Doctors) . Currently, our clinic has qualified doctors and specialists - family doctors, pediatricians, gynecologists, neurologists, children's neurologists, surgeons, endocrinologists, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, gastroenterologists, dentists and physiotherapists. We serve both individuals and businesses, offering a wide range of health care and prevention services. We also cooperate with Latvia's largest health insurance companies, the clients of these companies have the opportunity to use all the services we offer according to the conditions of their policy. Thanks to the large number of our specialists, we can serve a significant number of clients at the same time, so you have the opportunity to apply for a visit to the specialist you need without waiting in long lines, as is often the case in polyclinics. All sanitary requirements are observed in the clinic.

Ārstu prakse Saulespuķe, LTD

Aleksandra Čaka 83/85 -, Rīga, LV-1011
About the practice of doctors:

"Saulespuķē" highly qualified and experienced family doctors, gynecologists, ultrasonographers, masseurs, endocrinologist, dermatovenerologist, neurologist and cardiologist will help you.

Gerkes Lindas ārsta prakse dermatoloģijā, veneroloģijā

Prombūtnē- 01.07-05.07. un 12.08-16.08.
Stirnu 8 - 323, Rīga, LV-1082
Medical services: ✓ Skin disease diagnostics ✓ Treatment of skin diseases ✓ Wart removal ✓ Removal of papillomas ✓ Mollusc removal Dermatologist:

Gerke Linda doctor's practice in dermatology, venereology. Accepted both with a referral from a family doctor and for full payment.

ZL.LV iesaka

Pašvaldības SIA Ventspils poliklīnika

Raiņa 6, Ventspils, LV-3601

LTD "Ventspils poliklīnika" provides services of family doctors and medical specialists. Wide range of profile exams:

✓ X-ray, ✓ mammography, ✓ osteodensitometry, ✓ ECG, ✓ cycle ergometry, ✓ USG, ✓ Rehabilitation services, ✓ Home care, ✓ Mandatory health checks, ✓ Driver and Gun License Health Commission, ✓ Laboratory.

Medical institution code 2700-24101.

Paturskas I. ģimenes veselības centrs, LTD

Andreja Saharova 3A, Rīga, LV-1082
Apraksts: 2005.g. 3.janvārī pašā Purvciema centrā atvēra savas durvis mūsu centrs, kur tiek piedāvāts plašs ārstniecisko un rehabilitācijas pakalpojumu klāsts. Mēs piedāvājam komplekso apkalpošanu individuālajiem klientiem, ģimenēm un organizācijām. Slimību profilakse, ārstēšana un rehabilitācija, obligātas veselības pārbaudes, vakcinācijas, bērnu aprūpe.

Via Una, LTD

Katrīnas dambis 10, Rīga LV-1045

Medicīnas centrs "Via-Una" ir sabiedrībai paredzēts medicīnas centrs, kas nodrošina plašu klīnisko aprūpi un veselības pakalpojumus. Mūsu mērķis ir nodrošināt augstas kvalitātes veselības aprūpi, ieviešot inovatīvas metodes un piedāvājot plašu spektru medicīnas pakalpojumu, lai apmierinātu klientu vajadzības. "Via-Una" ir pilnībā aprīkots medicīnas centrs, kurā strādā pieredzējuši ārsti un medicīnas personāls, kas ir apņēmības pilni nodrošināt jūsu veselības labklājību. Mēs piedāvājam dažādus medicīnas pakalpojumus, tostarp vispārējo ārstēšanu, speciālistu konsultācijas, diagnostiku, laboratorijas testus, vakcināciju un rehabilitāciju.

Dinsbergas klīnika, LTD

Skanstes 52, Rīga, LV-1013
Services: ✓ Clinic offers. ✓ Gynecological counseling. ✓ Discreet full-spectrum gynecology services according to the standards of leading European clinics. ✓ Endocrinologist consultations. ✓ A comprehensive approach to a woman's reproductive health needs throughout life. ✓ dermatologist services. ✓ Dermatologist consultations and laser procedures. ✓ Ultrasound examinations. ✓ Gynecological ultrasonography, ultrasonography of fallopian tubes. for examination, hysterocontrast sonography for examination of the uterine cavity, ultrasonography for pregnant women. ✓ Consultations and treatment of a surgeon, phlebologist, proctologist. ✓ Consultations and diagnostics. Duplex sonography of leg veins. Proctoscopy. Surgical manipulation. Sclerotherapy. Laser procedures. ✓ Nutrition expert advice. ✓ During pregnancy, after pregnancy and especially during menopause, it is important to follow a proper diet to feel better. ✓ Certified physiotherapist consultation. ✓ The certified physiotherapist advises and works with women who perform statistical work on a daily basis and stress the back, shoulders and neck area. ✓ Laboratory tests.

Bišu dārzs, LTD, Veterinary clinic

Paula Lejiņa 5, Rīga LV-1029
Services: ✓ Animal disease diagnostics ✓ Ultrasonographic examination ✓ Treatment ✓ Vaccination ✓ Microchipping ✓ Surgery ✓ Stomatology ✓ Emergency care ✓ Laboratory tests ✓ Laser therapy ✓ Rabies test ✓ Issuance of certificates, badges, passports ✓ Consultations ✓ Consultations in beekeeping ✓ Home visits ✓ Pet-shop ✓ Euthanasia ✓ Morgue

Dr. Leopolds, LTD

Zigfrīda Meierovica prospekts 5-1, Jūrmala LV-2015

Company "Dr.Leopolds" is a family company founded in 1992. It was created by surgeon-traumatologist, specialist in the treatment of extensive burns Leopolds Ozolins. The purpose of the health products produced by our company is to help people solve certain skin problems. Dr. Three generations of doctors have invested in Leopolds products: knowledge and experience of grandfather - dermatologist Alfreds Ozolins, father Leopolds Ozolins and son - dermatologist Pauls Ozolins.